Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Congrats to Boediono, a former economics professor at Gajah Mada University in Yogyakarta.

He's appointed to become the next Indonesia's Central Bank (Bank Indonesia) Governor.
He's one of my lecturers in my univ, very kind and always trying his best to attend his classes though he's very busy (because right now he's a Minister aswell). tho to be honest everytime I'm in his class suddenly I feels so sleepy. =P

Source= TheJakartaPost

Thanks to Geert Wilders.......................

Thanks to Geert Wilders (Dutch's Anti-immigration politician) and his movie, Fitna...

Now Indonesian (by the government's decision) don't have any access to Youtube, Multiply and Myspace.
And Indonesian government has the plan to block the access to Google as well.

and I'd say that the government's decision is kinda silly and stupid.
we still can access those websites through some "dirty" tricks tho. =P
Why should they block the access to Youtube, etc? Will the condition be much better if we couldn't access those websites?

It's useless...
I just don't get it.

If I could, I'd prefer to move out from this country.

Source =
The Jakarta Post

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Band Merchandise.

GazettE's Merchandise.

Harga asli (kalo beli langsung di Jepang pas konser) : max ¥3,000 = US$30
Dijual lwat orang/perantara (biasanya fans ato toko "perantara" yg ngbeliin langsung di Jepang) = max US$105

Harga asli : ¥8,000 = US$80
Dijual lewat perantara/orang: US$200

FanClub membership
Harga asli : ¥5000 (+¥500 registration fees) = US$55
Dijual lewat perantara/orang : paling mahal ¥16,000 = US$160


Padahal kalo western bands, ada official site buat ngejualin merchandisenya mereka di Fueled by Ramen en kalo mo ngebandingin harga T-shirtnya aja, beda jauh aja pake banget BANGET dikuadratin.
Kalo yang kaos ben2 barat itu paling mahal 
US$28, tapi kebanyakan harganya US$18 itu aja masih pake diskon.

Ga realistis sama sekali kan? Iya, ngerti kalo ga realistis, tapi teteppp aja... seringkali addiction perasaan mengalahkan logika. dammit. *menghela napas panjang*

Kayak gini ini nih yang bikin makan ati.
Ga cuman makan ati aja, tapi juga makan jantung, jiwa dan raga.
Dan kayak gini juga nih yang bikin tambah sebel sama Rupiah.
*jeritan hati seorang Boder*

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

By The Sea

Sweeney Todd's Addiction....................................

What a cute song.
Apalagi ekspresinya si Mr. Todd (Johnny Depp) pas "marrying" Mrs. Lovett (Helena Bonham Carter). (●^o^●)(●^o^●)
Dan dengan suksesnya Q bener2 mupeng ngeliyat kostumnya...
Helena Bonham Carter.

p.s. : akhirnya Q nonton Sweeney Todd di kompie (donlot (;一_一)